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My Recent Dabble

So lately I have been more in a depressed state, what with my fiance being swept away to Marine Boot Camp, my cat being kill, and my pap recently being admitted into the hospital with a terminal illness. So naturally I need something to take my mind off of the world. A few years ago for Christmas my father bought me a Canon Rebel XS camera, oh yes was I excited. I used it a few times, but recently I have been using it to take pretty pictures of the world around me. Here is a few.


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Looking up, when there is none.

So lots happen to us in life and we usually take some of it pretty hard. I am not sure why, but I say you should always look on the bright side, even when there is none. I have to say that today was one of the worst days of my life, and I came home as happy as could be. I think that when we look down, that is when we feel down. I know that many people have a hard time finding a bright side, but there is one to ever situation. Just keep your heart above your stomach and make sure it stays beating. Remember that old friends can be your closest, materials are not forever, and people that hurt you will find karma one day. Now go smile, you might just get one back.



The Double Agent

Many people have the pleasure in life to meet that double agent. I hate to say it but I know mine. By double agent though, I mean what people in words would call the back-stabber. Everyone has a double agent in their life, that person who you think is your friend, but in reality is just there for a popularity boost or their own gain. Well I have met my double agent. Words can only describe the hate I have from people like that in reality. Yes, I am a writer, but if I was to write this double agent into my story….well lets just say she wouldn’t stay for long. There are a few characters that just have to be killed off in a story and she would be priority number 1. So lets go through the motions once more. Back-stabber= Double Agent. But then again I am going to have to say that I do have to step back and look at the situation on a logical point of view. Mankind was made to survive. Survival means staying mentally and physically alive, which means keeping yourself happy. So I guess I could say…she was surviving her sick mind.
